Kevin Drum connects the dots (for the dots, see my last post), and concludes:
It is, often, not so much war itself that people long for, but the moral certainty that comes with it; thus the venom directed even toward those who are skeptical of war, let alone those who are resolutely opposed to it. It's not that the skeptics prevent the hawks from getting the war they want — they usually don't — but that they deny them the moral certainty they so desperately yearn for. And that cannot be tolerated.
I don't want to ascribe this particular psychological clusterfuck to hawks in general. But there has been a lot of unseemly enthusiasm for World War Three (or is it Four?) amongst the chattering conservatives.

And it looks increasingly like they are going to get their regional conflagration. In addition to the Israeli situation....
* Turkey is going to strike at the Kurds, setting the stage for an intra-NATO conflict between the US and Turkey.
* The rest of Iraq is sliding into civil war.
You know, I hope Jesus does take this opportunity to come secondarily. If anybody can sort out this mess, it's a messiah.
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