
It's a fake!

Or, anyway, that's what CNN is reporting. My own personal oh-shit-ometer has its needle pegged on war.

Let's recap. North Korea's economy is so bad that bark soup is the national dish, and yet the state is pumping resources into a nuclear weapons program. Meanwhile, Bush's basic foreign policy strategy is to glower a lot, but he's willing to go to war given the flimsiest weapons-of-mass-destruction type excuse. Then there's a report of a nuclear test. To everyone's surprise, Bush and his crew choose to engage in, gasp, diplomacy aimed at setting up an effective sanctions regime rather than preemptively carpet bombing Pyongyang. Apparently disappointed at the lack of bombing, North Korea declares that any additional sanctions would be an "act of war."

And now this.

Who would have thought that the Bush Administration hawks would actually run up against a regime with a bigger hard on for war? We live in a fucked up world.

...Ok, ok. "Non-proof is not proof of a non-event." I'll try to calm down.

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