
Prophylactics may no longer be possible!

If I were a betting man, I'd bet that this blog is about to eat itself. That's right, we may have fallen within the horizon of yet another blogular existence failure. Or maybe not.

Maybe you noticed the BuzzFeed[1] widget in the right hand column. Maybe you didn't. Anyway, it's there and it's been there for a few hours. Supposedly it will bring buzz our way through our participation in a wider buzz spreading project. Think of it as a no-cost pyramid scheme for buzz.

Anyway, the first bit-o-buzz that the widget spit out had the headine "underage gymnasts". Shortly after, the site went down. Now, there's just a message saying that the site is undergoing routine maintenance and an invitation to visit one of their hand picked list of ten or so buzz worthy sites.

I chose Erotic Falconry:
And a movement it has become! With nearly 60 proud enthusiasts with real email addresses, we’re taking the sexual fringe community by storm. You can bet that’s got the fellas at Nambla plenty nervous. Even celebrities like Robert Loggia, Carrie Strug, Liam Neeson and Ted Pennington are showing their talon marks!

Still with me? EYES ON THE TEXT! As I said above, I worry that we may be approaching a blogular catastrophe of more or less the usual proportions. The danger is porn-bots. Most likely Chinese porn-bots, but that's just speculation. I fear, in a word, that the entire BuzzFeed enterprise is a sinister porn-bot front and that the widget there is a virtual trojan horse. All may be lost.

1 - May the record show that it was Jason's idea. Or, possibly, fault.

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