
RNC drinking game

Obviously, a shot every time we hear about McCain's time as a P.O.W., but what are the other rules?

Unrelatedly, here's a new GOP talking point: "I could take you through the vetting process, but I'm not going to"

...hijacking the post to say, this is some fucked up shit right here.

...Rick Santorum says Sarah Palin "is going to be learning with a fire-hose attached to her mouth."

...now that we've got race, gender, and booze on the table, what do you think of the talking point, "A lot of voters are going to think that Republicans got the order of the ticket right."

...Ross Douthat, Palin's self-proclaimed biggest fan, owes us more than this.

...the convention is boring, but Palin keeps on giving.

Update by Jason: From the video about Reagan: "He said he hated taxation, inflation, and the Soviets." I just took two shots.

Update by Jason, 2: The phrase "Country First" always strikes me as dirty, but only because of Shakespeare's country matters.

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